Deep Disagreements on Social and Political Justice: Their Meta-Ethical Relevance and the Need for a New Research Perspective
主讲:Manuel Knoll教授(伊斯坦布尔城市大学)
时间:2018年12月10日 18:00 – 19:30
地点:同济大学云通楼(人文学院 508 报告厅)
Public Lecture by Professor Manuel Knoll (Istanbul Şehir University)
Dec. 10th, 2018: 18:00 – 19:30
Venue: Tongji University, School of Humanities (Yuntong Bldg.) Room 508
This talk starts off with a historical section showing that deep disagreements among notions of social and political justice are a characteristic feature of the history of political thought. Since no agreement or consensus on distributive justice is possible, I argue that political philosophers should–instead of continuously proposing new normative theories of justice–focus on analyzing the reasons, significance, and consequences of such kinds of disagreements. The next two sections are analytical. The first sketches some possible reasons for deep disagreements among notions of social and political justice. The second discusses the meta-ethical relevance of the lack of consensus on justice and rejects ethical realism and cognitivism based on the argument from deep disagreements.
Manuel Andreas Knoll简介:
Manuel Knoll现为伊斯坦布尔城市大学教授。Knoll教授的工作聚焦于古代、现代和当代的政治哲学和伦理学,尤其是正义理论。他也对尼采与政治这一论题有所建树。Knoll教授曾在慕尼黑大学学习哲学、政治科学和历史,并在2000年凭借关于阿多诺的研究获得博士学位。2008年,他获得政治理论和哲学的教授资格。他的教授资格论文考察的亚里士多德的社会正义和政治正义观点,包括对玛莎·努斯鲍姆的亚里士多德阐释中提出的的社会民主观念的深入批判。2013年起,他成为马德里卡洛斯三世大学的“塞内卡”研究所成员。2016年,因其在哲学领域的杰出工作在罗马卡比托利欧山荣获科莱蒂奖。
Manuel Andreas Knoll is professor of Philosophy at Istanbul Şehir University. His work focuses on ancient, modern and contemporary Political Philosophy and Ethics, especially on theories of justice. He also contributed to debates on Nietzsche and Politics. Knoll studied Philosophy, Political Science and History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, where he also received his doctorate in 2000 for a work on Theodor W. Adorno. In 2008 he acquired his venia legendi for Political Theory and Philosophy. His Habilitationsschrift examined Aristotle's views on social and political justice and includes an extensive critique of Martha Nussbaum's social democratic interpretation of Aristotle. Since 2013 he is a member of the Research Institute "Lucio Anneo Séneca", Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. In 2016 he received the Colletti Award (Premio Lucio Colletti) for outstanding work in the field of philosophy on Capitoline Hill in Rome, Italy.